When the weather turns nice, I'm on the computer much less. I love gardening and was happy to go out shopping with my mom for plants today :)! Since she wore me out shopping, I'm happy to sit and watch a movie tonight. Thought this would be a good time to finish uploading some more of the digital pages I did while my sister Kate and I were away at a crop in April.
This coloring on this page was completely an accident, but I like how it is color in the middle and then goes to black and white as it goes it. Don't know if I could even do it again if I tried... Gotta love PSE! Papers from divinedigital.This was my first attempt at changing a picture to black and white and adding back in color to the flowering shrubs. I was really happy with how it turned out! Papers from divinedigital. Papers from Shabby Princess. Papers from divinedigital. As you have probably figured by now, I'm a HUGE fan of multi-photo layouts, but I'm always worried about the pages looking too busy. I was so pleased with this one and it really captures all of our favorite things about Bar Harbor! Papers from divinedigital. This was one of my first pages using the masks so the pictures look like they blend into the paper. It's a pretty cool feature! My beautiful Sydney!!
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