I've been buggin Steve, an buggin Steve, an buggin Steve (over a year now) to put up a fence on the side of the house. The area is pretty big, but it is my favorite spot in the yard because 1) it is shady and 2) that is where my hammock is. But, that is the same spot where you can see everything on the street. I just wanted a little privacy, but I still wanted to see out and around so I could still see the kids (and all the action that just doesn't happen on our street :).
So we agreed to turn my rock wall, move some trees that Steve really liked that have been next to the screen porch and we agreed what direction we wanted the fence to go in. Whew, a few things we agreed on.
But... we couldn't agree on how we were going to do it. Really, a few weeks more of discussion. My mom was over one day and gave us the best suggestion - to put the fence between our trees! Yeah mom!
Then there was the fence. Vinyl, wood, composite? 4 feet, 6 feet? solid or slats? We finally found one we really liked at a local place! Yeah! But I couldn't live with $165 for one link of fence, then another $125 for one post. UGH!!! So, Steve agreed to make one for me. Great man!! He wanted a stockade look and I wanted the slats. I think at this point he agreed just cause :)
In the pic below, the fence on the left just has standing pieces that aren't attached. There is a gate there too, just for me cause I HAD to have it :).

This is a front (side) view of the fence!

And wouldn't you know it ~ right after I worked on this post, I went out to mulch my front garden bed. Steve worked on his veggie garden and then went out to finish my fence! YEAH! I'll have to take pics of it when it is light out :)
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