My sister Kate told me about
knock-off wood (KOW) in passing and I must say I am glad she did!! It is my new favorite site to visit and I love checking out what everyone has to say on FB. I'm totally addicted. So much so, that I got Steve to show me how to use the circular saw and the miter saw. (See fence post - Steve showed me how to use the circular saw on that!) KOW is a site where Ana White provides FREE plans on all types of furniture. I liked so many things, I just felt compelled to try to make something.
The projects I decided to do first were the tryed tables for my back yard and a bench that I've been wanting for our pool deck. I've been asking Steve to make a bench for forever, and he was more than pleased I was attempting it myself.

The top of the table is not attached because I wanted to stain it first. Since I bought pressure treated wood, the people at orange told me to wait a month to stain... I'm getting impatient to make them look done :)
Below is the bench. I definitely see my mistakes in this, but I'm still pleased with it. Steve asked me to make another bench so it goes to the end of the deck! I thought that was the best compliment :) This will be stained white like the deck.

Awesome bench & tables. can you make me some? ;)